Monday, February 14, 2011

Fort Collins

As you all may have assumed from my past entries, I am gay.  I am open about it even though there aren’t many open homosexuals in Laramie, Wyoming.  With that there comes a very slight amount of prejudice but most of all loneliness.
Most people in Laramie live by the saying “live and let live” but there are those who think that I am only interested in dating every man I talk to.  I am not, I don’t think me being gay should affect my friendship with anyone, male or female.  I have only experienced this a few times since arriving here and it hasn’t stopped me from conversing with anyone. 
I more commonly feel lonely, not because I don’t have friends but because I don’t have a significant other.  Being one of the few gays in Laramie I usually have to travel to a bigger city to get any action.  The first time I went to a gay bar I called up Doc O’Connor, who nearly everyone knows, to take me to Fort Collins to go to a gay bar.  I was at first worried he wouldn’t be comfortable taking me so I gave him a disclaimer before we headed off.  He was alright with it and that night was a great break where I got to see other men.  Many people I met at the bar found it odd that I was alright living in Laramie, since it was such a small town with firm beliefs. I love it there and so I enjoyed my night out having fun, but didn’t think twice about moving away from Laramie.

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